by tanya | Jan 25, 2018 | life coaching, Small Business, was-published, Work Life Balance
Have you ever set a timer to get work done? No, well I want to share with you this super simple strategy for getting stuff done. Whether you’re drafting websites (as I was yesterday) or trying to get the dinner made faster than ever so you can fit on more thing...
by tanya | Jan 8, 2018 | life, Small Business, was-published, Work Life Balance
Decisions, decisions. I seem to have found myself making an awful lot of decisions lately; some have been quick & easy, others have taken an awful lot of time and energy. Some have been personal decisions, some have been work decisions. Some have been...
by tanya | Oct 7, 2017 | life, Small Business, was-published, Work Life Balance
Perspective, perspective, perspective. So what am I on about? Well just recently I’ve been hit by a number of sad tales, tragic experiences that have happened to friends which you wouldn’t wish on anyone, let alone good friends. And the thing about tragic...
by tanya | May 30, 2017 | life, Small Business, was-published, Work Life Balance
Everyone seems to be talking about kindness lately; in newspapers, in magazines, on the street, on the radio…. and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, it is after all that ‘kindness’ time of year. However, I wonder when the last time was that...
by tanya | Mar 27, 2017 | life, Small Business, was-published, Work Life Balance
So you want to get something done but somehow you’re struggling. You’re not alone. I see this a lot, both at home and in my work… and however different the situations and the people are, it all comes down to the same thing, motivation … and the...